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School for Transdisciplinary Studies

Citizen Science II: From Theory to Practice


Participatory Science Academy (PSA)


«Citizen Science» (CS) enables the involvement of citizens in scientific research projects. There is a wide variety of Citizen Science projects ranging from citizens' contribution to data collection to actual co-creation of projects and knowledge. With Citizen Science, local data can be gathered, analysed and interpreted. Furthermore, research questions with high societal relevance can be developed in cooperation with citizens.
Following the introductory course in the Fall Semester, “Citizen Science II: From Theory to Practice” offers students insights into the characteristics of participatory research processes using concrete project examples from various disciplines. A special focus lies on communication and community building/ community management. The course aims to encourage and inspire students to think about the connectivity to their own fields of study and to uncover possible applications, e.g. as part of student projects or BA/ MA theses.
Students who intend to implement participatory formats or to include participatory/ Citizen Science elements in their theses will receive input on possible methods and tools in order to include their target group(s).

Target group

Bachelor's and Master's students

Course dates

  • Tuesday, 18.15 - 19.45
  • Eight sessions (weekly, 90 minutes each), 22.03.2022 -17.05.2022
  • (no session on 19.04.2022)

The course will be held in German.

Assessment / ECTS Credits

  • Short written reflection for each session (1/2 - max. 1 A4 page)
  • Submission of written reflections (in a portfolio) by 31.05.2022
  • 1 ECTS

Weiterführende Informationen

Partizipative Wissenschaftsakademie (PWA)

Participatory Science Academy (PWA)

More about Participatory Science Academy (PWA)


Olivia Höhener
