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School for Transdisciplinary Studies

Start! Teaching Assistant Qualification Program@UZH


In the modules of the tutor qualification program, you will learn how to convey your knowledge and support others in their learning process. The modules cover situations that you may encounter within the university teaching context as a tutor and as a student, but also outside the university, for example, in the professional world or during your leisure time.

Target group


Start! Academic Teaching: Basics (10SMTUT_1)


The basic module introduces you to the activities and content related to university teaching and includes the following components:

1. Introduction. Determination of own position and role

2. Feedback and evaluation

3. Presentation and appearance

4. Lesson planning and activating students

5. Online teaching

You can complete the basic module asynchronously and independently on OLAT, but you must also attend one synchronous workshop accompanying the module (3 hours, online or in person).

ECTS Credits


Course catalogue

You can find more information about the module here.

Start! Academic Teaching: Consolidations (10SMTUT_2)


The consolidation module dives into some topics of university teaching in more detail, and you have the option to choose certain contents yourself.

The module consists of an OLAT course, where you can work on the topic of Gamification at your own pace. Additionally, synchronous workshops are offered on various themes such as learning videos, activating methods, or creative thinking. These workshops are conducted either in-person or as online meetings. You are required to complete the OLAT course and attend two of the workshops.

ECTS Credits


Course catalogue

You can find more information about the module here.

Start! Academic Teaching: Summer School (10SMTUT_3)

Are you interested in learning more about how to effectively use your voice and body language in teaching? Or how to handle conflict situations better?

The Summer School is a practice-oriented module of the tutor qualification. As a group, we will dedicate ourselves to various topics and engage in specific exercises during an intensive week in person. The focus will be on trying out new approaches, self-discovery, and practice. You will enhance your presentation skills and learn how to respond in critical situations. You will also engage in self-reflection and learn to provide constructive feedback to others.

The Summer School is offered each fall semester. In the fall semester 2023, the Summer School will be taught in German.

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Teaching Assistant Qualification Program "Start!"

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