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School for Transdisciplinary Studies

Workshop: Creating innovative solutions for the 3Rs in education with Design Thinking 04., 05., 11., 12. November 2021

Interactive Online Workshop 4., 5., 11., 12.11.2021

The 3Rs principles (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement) are relevant for research with animals, and at the same time for education & training with animals, which is of utmost importance in veterinary medicine.

Design Thinking is a method to facilitate user-centred problem-solving and the development of innovative solutions in multi-disciplinary teams.

In this workshop we will work in teams on the challenge: “Redesign the use of animals for education (in veterinary medicine)”. The workshop is supported by short briefings about ethics, animals in education and research and the 3Rs. In teams you will explore the complexity of the challenge and get to know different perspectives on problems in the field using Design Thinking methods. All gathered information and experiences are incorporated into the solution process creating a space between user needs and feasibility. The teams will create innovative, tangible solutions for the implementation of the 3Rs in education by prototyping and testing of selected ideas.

Participation for members of UZH and Freie Universität Berlin free of charge. Please apply under:

Office for Animal Welfare and 3Rs, FU Berlin and Rethink3Rs
