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School for Transdisciplinary Studies

UZH Reproducibility Day 2023

The UZH Reproducibility Day takes place on February 9, 2023 in the UZH main building. The keynote lecture in the morning will be held by Prof. Dr. Matthias Egger, President of the National Research. In the afternoon participants have the opportunity to take part in different hands-on workshops depending on their interest. They can choose between various topics such as sample size planning, dynamic reporting or designing replication studies. At the end of the day, there will be an apéro. All members of UZH, students, researchers, administrative and technical staff are very welcome to participate in this day. 

The UZH Reproducibility Day is organized by the Center for Reproducible Science. Its aim is to train the next generation of researchers in good research practices, to develop novel methodology related to reproducibility and replicability, and to improve the quality of scientific investigation using meta-science. The reproducibility of scientific findings is crucial for the credibility of empirical research.

The application deadline is January 26, 2023

In order to participate, please sign up here.

Further information on the UZH Reproducibility Day and its program you will find here

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